Collections are hold areas where a user can place deals and recipes, then continue loading or generating more deals and recipes elsewhere in the program without disturbing the ones already in the Collection.
This makes it possible to load or create several different sets of things during a session, while selectively collecting only the ones you intend to keep together—most typically by eventually saving them to a file.
There are three ways to store things in collections.
Click the “Collect” buttons
Click the “Collect Deals” button to store deals from the last deal generate or individual file load operation in the deal collection. The deal filter is in effect and will determine which deals make it into the collection.
Click the “Collect Recipes” button to store the current recipe from the Recipe Maker panel in the recipe collection. The current deal shaper is stored along with the recipe, so make sure they are a good working pair before saving the recipe.
Load a single deal file with the ‘Gator option “on”
The ‘Gator, or variegator, provides a quick way to pump out four deals, nicely varied, for each deal input from an individual deal file. It also produces a recipe for each deal so you can regenerate it later if you want to continue studying or modifying it. The deals and recipes the ‘Gator produces are stored in their respective collections, from where you can eventually save them to files.
Deals saved to a file from a collection are saved in ordinary PBN, LIN, or Navigator (HTML) files. Recipes saved from a collection are saved in a .bcoasmorgasbord file.
Load all recipe files or LIN deals files from a folder to collections
This panel and button near the upper right is separate from the individual file load panel and button. This one requires you to select a folder, not an individual file. Once you select it, the generator will load deals from all LIN files in the folder and its subfolders into the deal collection. It will load recipes from all .bcoarecipe files into the recipe collection.
The deal filter is in effect during the folder load operation.
There are two ways to empty out the collections without writing them to files: reload your browser page, or click the “Clear” button to the right of each “Collect” button.
Once you have a collection that you like, the only thing you can do with it is save it to a file. That topic is covered here.